I have officially found out what the grossest job in the house is. I know you are probably thinking, cleaning the bathroom or taking out the garbage or even cleaning out the garbage can.. right, that is what you are thinking isn't it? Well you are so totally close, but not quite there. In this house the grossest job out of them all is....... cleaning out the fridge.
I had no idea how bad we are at cleaning out our left overs. I told Tyler when we got married that I am a terrible left over eater if I am not reminded. Tyler always said that was ok because he would eat them. At at the beginning of our marriage that held true, but only for the very beginning. Like the first month or few. Well now-a-days I will make dinner. Then stick the left overs in tupper ware and then zap. I forget about them. And I think Tyler forgets about them too. I just went through because we were running out of room (not to mention running out of containers) and I pulled out 13 little containers of food. If the number 13 isn't bad enough, I could only identify what was in four of them. Eww-blegh! Doesn't that just give you the chills? I don't make enough left overs to feed more than one person for a small meal, sometimes no more than a snack, but gosh after weeks of hibernation (who knows how long some of them were in there!!) the small amount multiplied in it's little containers! And boy was it discolored! I was scared to open the lids!
Anyway, I just wanted to say, no one died, we are all happily surviving, one STINKY garbage has left the house for the garbage can. And we suddenly have more room in the fridge. I can actually stick the milk in there without tipping something over! Hooray!
And ok ok, here is a picture of his highness as he sleeps. He cracks me up. If he is holding a blanket or anything, he always wraps it around his head. I have no idea how he got into this habit. I swear I do not wrap things around his head ever! So yeah, a little odd but none the less cute!
Ummm...are you sure this is something you want to confess to the world? I'm quite sure you mother NEVER has old leftovers in HER fridge ;)
Ha ha, I was actually just thinking that one reason I love staying with my parents is I am not in charge of what goes or stays in the fridge :) Way to go at attacking that job! Your family is so cute, by the way. Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could get your blog address.
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