So last year for Easter we were super lame. I have found that Ty only enjoys celebrating holidays when we are with our families. I was trying to plan a menu, and cute little Easter-y things, and I have found that I am the only one who cares. Last year I let that get to me, so yup Easter didn't actually get celebrated in the traditional fashion. But THIS year, yeah I wasn't going to let it slip by again! Last year I was also full of excuses, I was doing my student teaching, Jazz was too small that he didn't care, couldn't do an egg hunt etc. But, this year we had no excuses! I planned an Easter dinner, and I bought material to make Jazz an Easter outfit (I get super excited about making Jazz clothes because I never know what to make for boys, and my mom always made us Easter clothes when I was growing up!) I also got together with some of our friends in our ward and we did an Easter egg hunt with the small kids. So I wasn't going to let this Easter slide without something happening!
Unfortunately that is when my plans started to fall through. Making plans is not something I am amazing at, so when things start to go wrong I get discouraged. First things first, I didn't actually start making the Easter outfit until Wednesday so like 4 days before I needed it to be done, and since I am 24 weeks pregnant (oh, I don't actually know if I announced that on here!) Anyway, I have a tough time bending down for long periods of time, so Wednesday I only got the pattern and material pieces cut out before I felt like my back was going to break. Then Thursday I got a late start that night sewing (cuz my dishes were calling me) so I only got a portion sewed together. So Friday I started to get worried. Ty sensing my stress levels were rising took us out to eat so I didn't have to cook, or clean dinner dishes! Yay for wonderful and awesome husbands! So I actually finished Jazz's outfit that night, whew! Then I found I had enough fabric I could make Ty a tie! But I had no idea how hard it is to make those things perfect! Who would have thunk! So I spent the rest of Friday night and Saturday night finishing that silly tie. Then on Saturday I remembered that we were invited to a friends for dinner on Sunday so I made our Easter dinner for Saturday. lol. Which was also the day of our Easter egg hunt, so I had to work around it. But I think it worked out ok! For dinner since there were only two adults eating we did it small, a ham, green beans, deviled eggs, and rolls. But we didn't finish it all so I felt ok about it. I was super amazed that I didn't do potatoes in it though, originally it was in my plans but it didn't fit in my time schedule. Oh well. And plus also we have about three desserts that I made. One for the egg hunt and two for the dinner at our friends house, and now we have three plates of desserts just chillin. Ty says that they are all mine since the doctors are always telling me to gain more weight anyway. Great, thanks Ty, that is exactly what I want, to gain weight. Anyway, are you ready for some pictures? I know I am!
I wanted to show you how awesome Jazz looks when he is drinking out of a straw. He loves those things.
Here is the Easter Egg Hunt. We each brought 12 eggs per kid, but the eggs went to anyone, so I just packed them with candy since I knew other kids would get our eggs. Jazz showed absolutely no interest in picking up eggs. Here I am dragging him over to the field were over 100 eggs were just laying on the ground.
And here Jazz is running back toward the toddler slide lol.
Here he is on the slide!
I went into the field and grabbed two eggs and tossed them close to the slide, fortunately Jazz was watching and wanted to see what I was doing. Here he is running over.
Whoah! Two whole eggs! Way to go Jazz! Of course, he immediately ran over and dropped them into someone else's basket. Sigh. Next year he will get the egg hunt a little better I hope.
Yay for Easter morning! And he is wearing the vest and little bow tie that I made him. I think they turned out super cute for my amateur sewing skills. Of course the only thing he pulls out is the bubbles. He loves bubbles.
Oh, I just love that little face!
And yay for matching! Ty actually wore the tie I made him! He is super picky about his clothes, and I thought for sure he wouldn't wear the imperfect tie I made. I told him he didn't have to and that I would wear it in my hair or something, but he wore it! All day long at church and at the dinner!
Ty had to tickle Jazz to get him to smile with more than just his lips, I love Jazz's face when he is being tickled.
Yup. Super fun. I have such a cute little family. I love them a lot!
Locking Myself in the Bathroom - A Story of Joy
5 years ago
You are so creative. And such a good wife and mother. Someday I hope I'm as good as you! And Nicki, you have always needed to gain more weight because you weigh about as much as a bean ;)
Oh so cute! Good job on the Easter outfits, and ties are challenging so YAY for you!! Cute Easter basket, did you make it too?
compared to your mom, everyone else I know has amature sewing skills. However compared to the rest of the world you are simply amazing!
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